The Institute for International Product Safety GmbH supports its customers in accessing markets worldwide. For this purpose, customers require a wide variety of product certifications. Our approved test scope can be found on the corresponding websites of the relevant certifiers.
The Institute for International Product Safety GmbH offers ship suppliers the opportunity to have their products approved by worldwide ship registers and certifiers in order to position their electrical and electronic components on the international market. With comprehensive technical testing services and the established approval management of I²PS, our customers are able to achieve rapid certification of their products.
The major performance components of the I²PS:
Approval Management
We manage the communication regarding the approval with the shipping register requested by the client. Our trained and highly qualified specialists will draw up a test plan tailored to your product based on the identified requirements for approval by the shipping registers.
Technical testing services
With specialized test facilities we carry out independent tests in the areas of EMC, climate and degree of protection tests. After passing the test, we prepare the documentation required by the certifiers in the form of test reports.
Downstream approval management after approval
The approval of a product is usually valid for 5 years. Through our product-specific downstream approval management, we protect our customers from a costly production stop or withdrawal of approval by timely extension or amendment of the approval certificates.
I²PS is recognized by all major ship classification societies in the field of environmental and EMC testing.
DNV Maritime ABS - American Bureau of Shipping Marine | Bureau Veritas Lloyds Register LR
Market access through UL or CSA
At the Institute for International Product Safety GmbH, we can help manufacturers who are interested in exporting their electrical products to North America. For most of these products, a certification is needed in order to gain access to the market, which is why I²PS GmbH works together with certification bodies in North America.
For over 10 years, we have been conducting safety tests for products, components, materials, and systems for Underwriters Laboratories (UL) as a laboratory within the context of their third-party program. The UL Mark indicates that the conformity of a product with safety regulations in the USA has been verified.
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Together with the CSA Group (formerly Canadian Standards Association), we perform various tests on behalf of our customers.
CSA homepage |
This certification system (CB procedure with CB for Certification Body) is recognized in 48 countries. The basis is the mutual acceptance of test reports and certificates of the respective national certification bodies (NCB). Members of the procedure are certification bodies that cooperate with laboratories (scope of the CB procedure).
I²PS cooperates in the CB procedure with UL International DEMKO A/S. UL-DEMKO is UL's certifier for the IEC standards (CB scope of UL-DEMKO).
The IEC standards are the basis for the CB system. However, they are not identically adopted into national standards in all countries. National deviations are listed on the IECEE website.
The standards are divided into different product categories in the CB procedure. I²PS works in the categories POW (Low voltage, high power switching equipment), INDA (Industrial Automation) and PROT (Installation protective equipment).
The rules of the CB procedure are published in a large number of documents. Some of these documents are available to the public via the IECEE website. Other documents are for the internal use of the testing laboratories and certification bodies only and must not be passed on to third parties (Nat. Differences, TRFs).
Important for the procedures of the tests are the documents of the CTL (Committee of Testing Laboratories) The CTL issues the following documents which have to be observed during the tests.
• CTL Decissions (DSH)
Binding interpretation of disputed parts of the standards
• Rules, Operational Procedures & Guides
Definitions of general test procedures (e.g. OD-5012 Thermocouple Attachment) and report generation (OD-2020 TRF Guide)
• Test Report Forms (TRF)
Templates for test reports
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Intertek ASTA has recognized I2PS as an ASTA Recognized Laboratory in the ASTA Recognized Laboratory Scheme.
Standard-specific ASTA BEAB Decisions and the ASTA BEAB Laboratory Handbooks must be taken into account when performing the tests.
Intertek Asta homepage | Intertek Asta certificate |
Results of technical tests of I²PS are recognized via the cooperation with UL (Underwriters Laboratories) or directly in the Middle East countries.
The basis of the tests for the Middle East countries are the IEC standards and additional requirements issued by the respective national standardization institutions or the responsible energy suppliers.